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Gateway USA: Top Tips for US Marketing Success

Whether it’s selling a contract, growing or keeping a customer base, crafting a marketing plan or planning online campaigns, knowing how the American consumer and markets function is key to successfully building a business there. This session will highlight the ways you can use marketing practices cost-effectively to achieve measurable success in the US market.

What you’ll learn

  • Increase awareness and understanding of American business and marketing practices
  • Learn top tips for marketing your products and services successfully in the USA
  • Get advice on market research strategies and planning the next steps


In the session you will learn how to avoid the several pitfalls that beset UK companies when launching or expanding their businesses in the USA. It will help you in deciding the best ways of expanding in the US, be it organically, via alliances or acquisition.

You will learn the American Psyche and the best marketing tactics when selling to the US. The participants will be given recommendations on how to best promote their products or services cost-effectively.

You will hear the top tips for planning your marketing activities in the USA, get advice on how to apply market development strategies to your business and work effectively across different business cultures, time zones, languages and customs.


Allyson Stewart-Allen

CEO, International Marketing Partners Ltd

Allyson Stewart-Allen is an internationally-recognised business expansion adviser, broadcaster, speaker and educator whose expertise in the field of international expansion is sought by household brands growing their markets around the world, especially the USA. A Californian based in Europe for over 35 years, Allyson applies her extensive international consulting experience to the company she founded, International Marketing Partners.

She is co-author of both editions of the best-selling book Working with Americans, the first “how to” book to help executives negotiate, influence and communicate for more profitable US business relationships.

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