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UK-New Zealand free trade agreement (FTA) sector explainers

Sector specific information on New Zealand market opportunities and FTA benefits.

Export guides


UK suppliers will have legally guaranteed, non-discriminatory access to procurement opportunities from a much wider range of New Zealand government bodies than ever before.


The FTA will see agritech manufacturers benefit from tariff-free exports, flexible rules of origin, and simple customs procedures when exporting.


The UK has innovative offerings across the clean growth economy and the FTA opens new opportunities in the New Zealand market as the demand for British innovation and green tech increases.

Financial services and fintech

The FTA will allow UK financial services and fintech companies to compete in New Zealand on an equal footing and build on the already excellent links between the two countries.

Short term business visitors

The FTA will bring greater certainty and access for British professionals looking to deliver services in person in New Zealand.


Rules of origin quick guide

Step-by-step guide to the new rules of origin process (PDF, 1.3MB).

Selling goods overview

Overview on all FTA areas that impact on the exporting of goods from the UK to New Zealand (PDF, 7.6MB).

Selling services overview

Overview on all FTA areas that impact on the exporting of services from the UK to New Zealand (PDF, 2.6MB).

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