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Agricultural, food and drink exports to Chile

Discover opportunities in the Chilean food and drink market.


Chile is one of the fastest growing export markets for the UK in Central and South America. With a burgeoning food processing industry, opportunities are growing for exports of ingredients, machinery and packaging, as well as for end-products.

In agri-tech, Chile is a leading producer and exporter of a wide range of high-value crops, able to produce all year round. The agribusiness industry is expected to grow by 35% by 2030. Chile is an attractive destination for UK companies who can offer efficiency and technological solutions to make the most of this expected growth.

One of Latin America’s fastest growing economies, Chilean consumers are showing increased interest in premium, healthy and convenience foodstuffs.

There is a wide host of opportunities available to UK exporters in the agricultural, agri-tech, food and drink industries in Chile. Our free trade agreements with this market enhance your ability to take advantage of these opportunities, by making exporters faster, simpler and cheaper.

Trade agreements with Chile

The UK has 2 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Chile:

The UK-Chile FTA should be read in conjunction with the EU-Chile Association Agreement because the UK-Chile FTA incorporates provisions of the EU-Chile Association Agreement. The following Parliamentary Report provides information about significant differences between the two.

The UK-Chile FTA will remain in force alongside CPTPP. At times, you will need to specify which agreement you choose to trade under (notably when applying rules of origin), but benefits from either agreement will mostly apply automatically. Our guides attempt to highlight where businesses may need to make an explicit decision.

CPTPP entry into force and ratification

As of 24 December 2024, CPTPP is in force between the UK and:

  • Australia
  • Brunei
  • Chile
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand
  • Peru
  • Singapore
  • Vietnam

This means that the UK can access CPTPP provisions with said countries.

The following countries have not yet ratified the terms of the UK’s accession:

Canada and Mexico.

This means that the UK cannot yet access CPTPP provisions with those countries.

This guidance will be updated following each of the remaining countries’ ratification of the terms of the UK’s accession to CPTPP and will include when CPTPP will enter in force between the UK and the relevant remaining country.

The UK being part of the CPTPP trade deal does not replace the existing UK-Chile Association Agreement which has applied since 2021. UK exporters will be able to benefit from both agreements concurrently.

New Rules of Origin options

The origin of a good is where it has been grown, produced or manufactured, and is not necessarily the country where the good is shipped or bought from. For goods to receive a preferential tariff, the goods must meet the specific Rules of Origin for that agreement. The UK-Chile Association Agreement and CPTPP have different Rules of Origin that must be met to receive that agreement’s preferential tariffs. UK businesses may choose which Rules of Origin they will meet to receive a preferential tariff.

Some food and drink products, such as non-processed foods, may be straightforward in proving their origin in the UK. For example, vegetables grown in the UK are likely to be wholly originating and can access preferential tariffs under both trade agreements. For processed food and drink items, such as ready-meals or cereals, it will need to be determined if enough ingredients are suitably sourced to meet Rules of Origin.

Under the UK-Chile Association Agreement, you can use EU materials or processing in your exports to Chile. The UK and Chile must have fulfilled the necessary requirements set out in the Rules of Origin Protocol. You must also ensure the working or processing you do in the UK goes beyond the minimal operations listed in the agreement and that the other relevant conditions are met. For example, you cannot simply package or label a product from the EU and export it to Chile as a good originating in the UK. For example, machinery with inputs from EU countries that has undergone sufficient processing in the UK can receive preferential tariffs when exported to Chile.

Under CPTPP, goods sourced from other CPTPP countries count towards products meeting CPTPP Rules of Origin and receiving CPTPP preferential tariffs. For example, confectionary made from sugar from Malaysia and flour from Canada would have the sugar and flour components count towards being originating in the UK and receiving preferential tariffs when exported to all CPTPP countries (not just Malaysia or Canada).

Find more information on Rules of Origin requirements and how to claim for preferential tariff treatment.


It is a commercial decision for businesses to decide which agreement they will use. Importers and exporters have the option of selecting which agreement is best suited to them.  They should consider the tariff reductions provided by each agreement, and the ease of qualifying for preferential tariffs. For most products, the preferential tariffs are identical in both agreements.

Some products may be traded at a 0% tariff rate under the UK-Chile Association Agreement already. For example, UK exporters of meat and edible meat offal benefit from 0% tariffs on exports of these products to Chile.

Other products can be traded at 0% tariff rate under CPTPP once the agreement enters into force. For example, tariffs of up to 6% on UK exports of fish including salmon, hake and tuna will be eliminated at entry into force.

Under CPTPP, tariffs on some products are reduced gradually (staged) over an agreed number of years with the agreements. In the agri-food space, this includes:

  • Dairy: Tariffs of 6% on UK exports of cheese and other dairy products including butter and cream will be eliminated within 2 years.
  • Other sugars and molasses: Tariffs of 6% on UK exports of other sugars and molasses will be eliminated within 2 years.

Find more information on preferential tariffs under each of the agreements.

If you are importing goods from Chile, you can use the Trade Tariff Look up tool on GOV.UK to find the current list of goods and duty rates. There is also a step-by-step guide on how to import on GOV.UK.

Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures in Chile

The SPS chapter contains commitments on greater transparency and information sharing on animal and plant health and food safety that will help UK businesses better understand how to access their markets. The requirement for CPTPP members to be transparent in how they undertake import checks, and for them to be carried out without undue delay, will help to ensure smoother and more timely trade. The chapter also establishes dialogue structures to resolve technical issues and provide routes to ease SPS related market access issues.

The agreement provides an opportunity for cooperation on SPS export certification including a commitment to work together to progress the use of electronic certification, which will. help to reduce administrative processes for businesses.

Find more information on SPS measures under CPTPP.

Import requirements

There are 2 customs certificates required for food products upon import into Chile, the Certificate of Customs Destination (Certificado de Destinación Aduanera, CDA) and the Authorization of Use and Disposal (Autorización de Uso y Disposición).

You will also need a relevant health certificate for products that come under sanitary or phytosanitary rules (animals and products of animal origin, but also plants and vegetables). You can search relevant export health certificates for products of animal origin for Chile.

Some animal and animal sub products require a 'monograph evaluation'. This includes egg by products, poultry and animal feed.

  • Samples and foodstuffs for personal consumption: if the product contains ingredients of animal origin a permit is required from the Ministry of Agriculture and Health called Solicitud de Permiso de Importación Pecuario prior to import.
  • Organics: The UK and Chile have a treaty agreement which mutually recognises each other’s regulations and system of controls for organic production as equivalent. For organic products exported from the UK, your existing UK organic labelling and logos will be recognised by Chile. This UK-Chile agreement incorporates all of the previous provisions of the EU-Chile organics agreement. Organic imports to Chile need to be accompanied by a certificate issued by a Chilean or UK organic control body in accordance with the rules set out by the National Directorate of the Agricultural and Livestock Service in Chile.
  • Genetic material: it is worth noting that the UK is the only European country authorised to export ovine genetic material to Chile.
  • Labelling of foodstuffs: in addition to general information about the product, food that is high in calories, sugar, sodium, and saturated fats should have a special label. This label must be in Spanish and measurements must be in the metric system. Find further information regarding food labelling or in the following manual (in Spanish).

Geographical Indications

Geographical Indication (GI) protection is a collective intellectual property right for food, wine and spirit drink names linked to places. A GI guarantees a product’s characteristics or reputation, authenticity and origin, and protects the product name from misuse or imitation.

The UK and Chile’s GIs which were previously mutually recognised have had their protection confirmed by the UK-Chile Association Agreement, including protection of UK-made spirits names such as Scotch Whisky, Irish Whisky/Irish Whiskey/Uisce Beatha Eireannach and Irish Cream in Chile. The agreement offers protection against misuse of the GI name in Chile.

The provisions in CPTPP further ensure that Parties provide open and transparent procedures when protecting GIs under domestic laws and regulations. These include considering whether a term is a commonly used descriptive term in that market and providing procedures to oppose and cancel GIs.

Opportunities for digital trading

Electronic authentication and electronic signatures

Electronic signatures and electronic authentication increase trust in e-commerce by helping to verify that transactions, and the people behind them, are genuine. Strengthening the legal validity of electronic signatures provides greater confidence that transactions can be concluded through electronic means.

By using electronic signatures and/or electronic authentication, you can complete transactions in a matter of minutes regardless of where your counterpart is, reducing costs and simplifying processes.

CPTPP ensures that electronic signatures are considered valid by all CPTPP countries, and individuals and businesses can confidently use them.

However, CPTPP countries might impose specific criteria regarding electronic signatures, including some circumstances where electronic signatures are not accepted. You should check local regulations for more information.

You have the freedom to determine the best way of authenticating your transaction. However, for some transaction categories, there can be specific requirements.

Paperless trading

Paperless trading refers to the conduct of trade activities using electronic rather than paper documents. This reduces administrative costs and improves efficiency of processes, benefiting UK businesses across all sectors.

The UK and CPTPP countries are committed to facilitating the flow of trade activities using electronic trade documents.

CPTPP countries have committed to making trade administration documents available in electronic form and to accept electronic versions of those documents. This refers to documents which are required in connection with the import or export of a good and must be presented to customs authorities.

Beyond CPTPP, the UK also enables commercial trade documents that use English law to be accepted in electronic form. This includes documents such as bills of lading, promissory notes, and bills of exchange. This was enabled by the Electronic Trade Document Act.

This complements the commitments made on paperless trading related to trade administration documents required by the UK government or other CPTPP countries as part of the import-export process. Find more information about the UK’s Electronic Trade Documents Act.

Different countries are at different stages of legislating for paperless trading and trade digitalisation. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific has created an interactive Model Law on Electronic Records (MLETR) tracker where you can view different countries’ progress.

Spotlight on agri-tech

New customs commitments and minimised paperwork will ensure machines and parts exit customs quickly, provided all requirements have been met, giving businesses the certainty they need to ship products to and from Chile.

Enhanced mobility provisions will allow businesses to provide after-sales services with increased access. UK businesses trading or investing in Chile will benefit from clarity, stability and certainty regarding the Chilean regulatory framework and policy making.

Regulatory obstacles to trade will be easier to address and avoid through closer relationships between UK and Chile regulatory authorities, which is important to sectors operating in future technologies.

Finally, increased access to government procurement will allow UK exporters to use their competitive advantage over other countries to access many covered Chile government bodies including central and regional government entities.

Department for Business and Trade support

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) helps businesses export, drives inward and outward investment, negotiates market access and trade agreements, and champions free trade. Helpful links, tools and services available from DBT and wider government include:

Export Support Service (ESS) team

Get support on how to do business abroad. You may also be eligible for 1-2-1 support from a local International Trade Adviser. Businesses in Wales can also access support from Business Wales.

Export Support Service – International Markets (ESS-IM)

DBT's overseas in-market export support service for SMEs with high-export potential. Our International Market Advisers provide tailored support and market introduction information to new and current UK exporters looking to enter or expand into new markets. The service may be accessed globally with International Markets teams in South Asia, China, the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, North America and Latin America.

UK Export Academy

Sign up to access free training on how to grow your international sales.

UK Export Finance

Information on finance and insurance for UK exports.

Trade and investment factsheets

The latest statistics on trade and investment between the UK and individual overseas partners.

Overseas business risk profiles

Information for UK businesses on political, economic and security risks when trading overseas.

Foreign travel advice

Advice and warnings about travel abroad, including entry requirements, safety and security, health risks and legal differences.

Check or report a trade barrier

If you encounter an issue when exporting to any country – report the issue and UK government officials will be able to assess the issue and consider the options we have open to addressing it as appropriate

Check how to export goods

Search for your specific product to find applicable tariffs for each market, explore rules of origin and step-by-step help on customs procedures

UK Integrated Online Tariff

Check import duties and allows you to check the status of available tariff rate quotas

Useful resources

You can find more information about export opportunities, business culture and any existing trade barriers on our Chile market guide.

Prior to export, you must be aware of local regulations and import conditions in Chile that apply to your goods or services. This can include tax considerations, labour laws, intellectual property rules, labelling and packaging regulations, among others.

To seek further information related to local regulations, business culture, or to find a local lawyer, translator, importer or distributor, you can use the following contacts:

To see information on political, economic and security risks when trading with Chile, please see:

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