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  4. UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement guidance

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

New online resources to support small and medium-sized enterprises to export to Australia.

Specialised support for small and medium-sized UK businesses

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) make up 99% of UK businesses. However, they are often the most disadvantaged when it comes to making the most of opportunities to trade in overseas markets, usually due to lack of time or resources.

This is why the FTA has a dedicated SME chapter, which commits both the UK and Australia to working together to specifically support SMEs to trade in each other’s markets. The chapter includes commitments to providing up-to-date and easy-to-access trading information online, as well as a commitment to continue to work together to find ways to support international trading activities for SMEs.

SME support throughout the FTA

As well as a dedicated SME chapter in the agreement, the FTA also includes ‘SME-friendly provisions’ in other chapters of the FTA that will be directly or indirectly helpful to SMEs looking to trade.

Existing DBT resources for SMEs:

There are no substantial changes for this provision of the UK-Australia FTA after CPTPP entered into force between the UK and Australia.

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