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Government Procurement

How to bid for Australian government procurement opportunities and the support available to UK businesses.

This guidance is an explanation of UK-Australia FTA Chapter 16: Government Procurement

What the agreement covers

The UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) offers opportunities for UK businesses to bid for Australian government procurement programmes in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner.

How to bid for an Australian government procurement opportunity

UK businesses can bid for government procurement opportunities on equal grounds with Australian businesses. Procurement opportunities will be posted electronically, and accessible systems will be made available for bidding.

Businesses can search for Australian government procurement contracts at Austender.

The same Rules of Origin, customs duties and import charges apply to government procurement as they do in the normal course of traded goods.

Conditions for participating in government procurement

While businesses are not required to have previously been awarded a contract by the procuring Party, there are some limited conditions for participation in government procurement, which include:

  • relevant prior experience to meet advertised requirements
  • financial capacity, commercial and technical abilities, as well as business activity of the supplier both inside and outside the territory of procuring Party

Conditions for exclusion

A supplier may be excluded by the procuring entity if there is supporting evidence of:

  • bankruptcy
  • false declarations
  • performance deficiencies
  • serious criminal activity
  • professional misconduct
  • failure to pay taxes

Support for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Both the UK and Australia recognise the important contribution of SMEs to economic growth. Both countries will ensure transparency on any preferential treatment for SMEs and the criteria for this.

Where possible, the UK and Australia will make all tender documentation free of charge and will look to simplify processes for SMEs.

There are no substantial changes for this provision of the UK-Australia FTA after CPTPP entered into force between the UK and Australia.

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