The International Trade Consultancy
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UK business not registered in Companies House
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Business and consumer services
11 Brighton Road, London N2 8JU, N2 8JU

The International Trade Consultancy

Company description

The International Trade Consultancy exists to help businesses grow through international trade. We are experienced at helping all types of businesses import to and export from the UK.

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Products and services

Customs healthcheck, tariff classification, company audit of import and export processes, advise on importing to the UK, advise on exporting from the UK, authorisation for inward and outward processing, check rules of origin and duty, set up customs compliant supply chains to minimise duty liabilities, training

Management consulting
Business development, Commercial and pricing strategy, Risk consultation, Strategy and long-term planning


Aerospace, Advanced manufacturing, Automotive, Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Electronics and IT hardware, Household goods, furniture and furnishings, Marine, Mechanical electrical and process engineering
Australia, Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States

The International Trade Consultancy case studies

How to import wine from Italy perfectly first time

The Italian Wine Shop was created to bring diverse, stunning, small-batch production Italian wines to the UK market. We were asked to manage the import side of the business from day one.

Eliminating import duty and VAT with Inward Processing

Businesses that bring back goods they've sold abroad for repair can claim back the import duty and VAT if they are granted Inward Processing authorisation by HMRC.

Importation of machinery from China to the EU

AWP in Belgium had previously bought their products from within the EU but the prices became untenable. A manufacturer in China was found but AWP had no experience of importing from China.

Minimising duties and taxes in a global supply chain

Radwell International's complex global supply chain meant they and their customers were often paying import duty and VAT multiple times. The ITC was engaged to simplify the process and minimise taxes.

Providing export clarity to a UK manufacturer

Following the UK's departure from the EU, AAE Technologies found exporting very challenging due to the requirement for customs declarations and an understanding of incoterms, rules of origin etc.

British manufacturer wins back EU customer post Brexit

After Brexit, a UK manufacturer of hot stone cooking plates lost their biggest customer who is based in Germany because they said the customs regulations were too problematic.

Streamlining import processes of an EU manufacturer

A British manufacturer owns a factory in the EU in partnership with a German supplier. Imports to the UK from the Estonian factory were taking much longer than they should.

Oversight of a US company importing to the UK

US brand Super Teeth wanted to start selling their probiotic dental supplements in the UK via ecommerce platforms and 3PLs

Simplifying imports to the UK from the EU post-Brexit

D&AS frequently import parts from a regular supplier in Germany. Lead-times and costs increased significantly post-Brexit.

Ensuring smooth first time export to the EU

CPS had never exported before but they won an order from a company in the Republic of Ireland that they couldn't turn down. The International Trade Consultancy ensured everything was done correctly.

Exporting hazardous goods to the EU and Northern Ireland

Semmco needed support exporting their Hazchem products to Northern Ireland and the EU to ensure they were compliant with the regulations negotiated as part of the UK/EU FTA.

Making sense of customs paperwork

For UK and EU traders who had only traded with each other, the new document requirements after Brexit were very confusing. Peter Jones (ILG) import leather to the UK from ES, IT, NL through UK agents.

Confidence with export licenses

Dual-use export licenses are a minefield for many manufacturers who struggle to understand whether the product they are exporting needs one or not.