Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Software and computer services


UK registered company – number 15889807

Registered office address:

3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, EC2A 4NE


Company description

Syncrosis is a technology consultancy, delivering advanced solutions to both public and private sectors globally.

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Products and services

cloud solutions, cybersecurity, digital transformation, intelligence services, software development, system integration, data analytics, AI and machine learning, compliance and governance, IT consulting

Mergers and acquisitions
Business support
Planning consultants
Management consulting
Strategy and long-term planning, Risk consultation, Product safety regulation and compliance


Aerospace, Advanced manufacturing, Airports, Agriculture, horticulture and fisheries, Automotive, Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, Business and consumer services, Chemicals, Clothing, footwear and fashion, Communications, Construction, Creative and media, Education and training, Electronics and IT hardware, Environment, Financial and professional services, Food and drink, Giftware, jewellery and tableware, Global sports infrastructure, Healthcare and medical, Household goods, furniture and furnishings, Life sciences, Leisure and tourism, Legal services, Marine, Mechanical electrical and process engineering, Metallurgical process plant, Metals, minerals and materials, Mining, Oil and gas, Ports and logistics, Power, Railways, Renewable energy, Retail and luxury, Security, Software and computer services, Textiles, interior textiles and carpets, Water

SYNCROSIS case studies

Optimising Ticketing Operations at the Tokyo Metro

Syncrosis’ Paragon enhanced Tokyo Metro’s ticketing system by implementing a secure, cloud-based platform, improving transaction speed and data security at key stations.