Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Business and consumer services


UK registered company – number 11784043

Registered office address:

55 Loudoun Road, London, NW8 0DL


Company description

Tarralugo is led by a leadership team with a wealth of experience living, working, and building businesses around the world. We understand that each market is unique, and success in one market does not guarantee success in another.

To address this challenge, we have developed a comprehensive, four-phase iterative framework called Aurago360, that helps guide our clients through the market entry journey. This framework is modular and menu driven, enabling customization to each client's specific needs.

Our approach begins by helping clients identify market opportunities for their products or services, assess the size of the opportunity, and understand how to compete effectively. From there, we support clients through the entire lifecycle of their UK market entry journey, including developing a Go-to-Market Strategy, creating a comprehensive Business Strategy, developing the Funding Strategy, constructing a Pricing Strategy and Modelling, Proof of Market, designing a Sales strategy, and finally, helping them set up and launch their business in the UK.

At Tarralugo, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals and navigate the complex challenges of entering new markets. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing the support and guidance our clients need to succeed in the UK and beyond.

For more information please visit: www.aurago360.com

Products and services

Proof of Market, Market Validation, Funding Strategy

Raising capital
Management consulting
Strategy and long-term planning, Commercial and pricing strategy, Business development


Business and consumer services, Communications, Construction, Creative and media, Electronics and IT hardware, Financial and professional services, Software and computer services
Australia, India, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom

TARRALUGO LTD case studies

Strategy for ESG Reporting & Compliance Platform

Retained strategy consulting services helping an ESG start-up to get on track.

Go-to-Market Strategy For Experience Platform Launch

Supporting a global creative agency at the cutting edge of immersive experiences and brand building, to define how to take a category creator solution to market and scale globally.

Experience Centre Productisation & Global Ro

Enabling a client to quickly productise, operationalise and scale their creative storytelling hardware & software solution.

Scaling Enterprise Data Collaboration Platform

Realigning the focus of a great data aggregation and collaboration platform back onto the needs of it customers. Enabling it to scale and grow market share.