Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Clothing, footwear and fashion


UK registered company – number 10212214

Registered office address:

71 The Chase, Eastcote, Pinner, HA5 1SH


Company description

ShoeStix was the brainchild of Sheila Rowan, a 57 year-old mother of four. Sheila had always been frustrated with shoe slipping and, more specifically, the quality of the products available in stores - nothing worked. This was a view echoed by her friends and sisters. Having recently stepped down from the recruitment agency that she founded over 30 years ago, Sheila discussed the possibility of manufacturing something new with her son, Sean.

Sean was working in advertising at the time whilst growing his own small events company, Zorball. He set about finding a manufacturer for what would become known as ShoeStix. Following 6 months of prototyping and market research, ShoeStix was publicly launched in June 2016.

Feedback from trialists and customers continues to demonstrate what a superb product ShoeStix is. The mother-and-son team are of the firm assertion that ShoeStix is superior to all related products.

ShoeStix are currently being sold directly from, in several online marketplaces and in numerous shoe stores and pharmacies in the UK. They are currently looking for buyers in the UK and overseas in the fashion, footwear and pharmaceutical industries.

Products and services

footwear accessories, heel grips, shoestix, shoe accessories, accessories, shoe slipping