Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Education and training


UK registered company – number 09817536

Registered office address:

127 Trinity Road, London, SW17 7HJ


Company description

SATs Companion has been designed to cover the new Year 6 UK SATs Curriculum by a team of teachers and headteachers. We have spent 18 months researching and speaking to schools, teachers, senior leaders, parents and pupils to make SATs Companion a unique, comprehensive learning resource tool.

The system has been designed to be used by both schools or parents and address the key issues teachers were facing: new curriculum coverage, saving time, differentiated resources, gap analysis and the new question styles. For schools, the system can be teacher-led, integrated with classroom teaching or be used independently by the pupils.

As a team, we were passionate that SATs Companion addressed both formative & summative assessment, differentiation, praise, time-saving and excellent value for money.

SATs Companion has over 25,000+ unique SAT-styled questions covering all the main strands and sub-strands and over 10 SPAG & Maths papers, with new tests sets added half-termly.

The topic questions and tests cover every aspect of the new curriculum for Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar and Mathematics. Every topic/test is asked in a variety of question styles to ensure pupils fully understand the learning area, including 50+ video lessons.

The system is fully customisable to international curriculums or to be used for English & Maths.

Products and services

Assessment, E-Learning, UK teaching, Online Videos, Teaching, School Support, SATS, Homework, Reporting