Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Clothing, footwear and fashion, Creative and media, Environment, Food and drink, Global sports infrastructure, Retail and luxury


UK registered company – number 09630141

Registered office address:

Silver Springs, Fishers Wood, Ascot, SL5 0JF


Company description

Jake's Boost is a health food company producing all natural nut & seed butters, vegan and gluten free, unique in flavours and textures, and all our products are made in Britain.

Our nut & seed spreads are available in jars as well as convenient snack pots, paired with naturally air dried fruit crisps. The perfect snack on the go, at your desk or whenever you need a a little pick-me-up without the usual rubbish.

So far, we offer three nut and seed butter mixes, with more in development.
You can see that we have big plans and even more products will soon follow....
Not only do we make natural, healthy food but we think of ourselves as very caring humans too: for the environment, animals, the poor and in particular vulnerable children. So 5% of our profits go to help feed children in food poverty in the UK.

Products and services

All Natural Nut & Seed Butter, Vegan, Gluten Free, Social Enterprise