Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry


UK registered company – number 09530781

Registered office address:

Strelley Hall, Main Street, Nottingham, NG8 6PE


Company description

Quensus offers businesses a customised, easy-to-use service for water management. Using the power of the internet, we provide invaluable data without customers having to be onsite.

Our flagship smart water metering product connects water meters and shutoff valves to the internet. High resolution water data is analysed in the cloud to budget consumption, detect anomalies and diagnose faults. Dynamic web dashboards allow users to monitor their water usage in real time and engage more with their water consumption habits. Water efficiency is automated by sending high consumption notifications to building management and by isolating building areas which are not in use. Bills can then be drastically reduced by using the insight into wasted water costs.

At Quensus, our mission is to provide a more sustainable future for our clean water supply - arguably our most precious resource. Since 2015, Quensus has grown rapidly, bringing user-friendly, professional water management solutions to customers in enterprise corporations, small businesses, and the public sector.

Products and services

water, smart metering, smart water metering, water efficiency, water optimisation, leak detection, water management, water monitoring

QUENSUS LIMITED case studies

School saves 60% water

Secondary school in UK saves 60% of their water consumption using Quensus smart metering to detect leaks which occurred twice, overall saving £11,000 per year.