SWIFTERM AI Hyper-personalisation Software
Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
11-50 employees
Core industry
Software and computer services

SWIFTERM AI Hyper-personalisation Software

UK registered company – number 09168301

Registered office address:

Citypoint, Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9HT

SWIFTERM AI Hyper-personalisation Software

Company description

Our passion is helping ecommerce retailers realise the value of each of their consumers, as individuals. The mechanism we offer is an AI hyper-personalisation software solution, gathering data via a plugin, and capturing each customer’s interactions as they happen on your ecommerce website. Data captured includes purchase history, products viewed, length of time on page, frequency of visits and other significant impressions. From this it calculates what each registered consumer is most likely to buy next. It then populates an email stylesheet with the most relevant products for that person, which is sent at the moment of greatest buying propensity.

Send time optimisation is applied, so you don’t need to wait for customers to come back to your site. Thereby giving you a significant advantage over your peers. The principal benefit is a massive increase in revenue that many don’t otherwise appreciate exists. This is applied machine learning technology, perpetually refining the selection for ever greater accuracy. This only ever applies to consumers who have given their express permission.

This is a wholly autonomous solution – meaning zero human involvement whatsoever – it does everything for you. Each selection array reflects that consumer as an individual, aware of their ever-changing needs. It uses AI to deliver one of, if not the highest ROI’s in ecommerce marketing. SwiftERM offers you immediate use of its entire AI hyper-personalisation technology program, by simply registering, downloading and installing the plugin. You could begin enjoying significant revenue growth today. Enjoy our FREE 30-day viability trial today – no lock-in required, validate its effect for yourself.

Products and services

AI hyper-personalisation, autonomous solution, autonomous marketing, email automation, email marketing, ecommerce marketing, ecommerce email, email personalisation, email hyper-personalisation, AI email

Management consulting
Business development
Publicity and communication


Automotive, Clothing, footwear and fashion, Communications, Electronics and IT hardware, Food and drink, Giftware, jewellery and tableware, Healthcare and medical, Marine, Retail and luxury, Software and computer services

SWIFTERM AI Hyper-personalisation Software case studies

Case Studies

Case studies showing return on investment: The below statistics are taken from the control panels of a variety of clients.

The perfect solution for reducing return rates

The perfect solution for reducing return rates. Alongside the surge in online shopping comes a much less desired activity for retailers: returns.

Luxury marketing – getting it right

Luxury marketing getting it right. Marketing strategy in the luxury business is constructed around the dream value, the personal-targeting-positioning model and 7 pillars that most professionals know.