Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
11-50 employees
Core industry
Software and computer services


UK registered company – number 08870054

Registered office address:

16 Great Queen Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2B 5AH


Company description

Native on The Cloud, runs your organisation 24/7 from any device, anywhere, at any time with 99.97% annual transactional availability and the highest level of security. Our APIs allow your organisation to connect LOVIS EOS to other applications creating a powerful and flexible ecosystem. Our simultaneous session subscription model is fair, clear and transparent, no surprises.

Begin-to-end Supply Chain, Manufacturing and Finance business processes are fully supported with all their variations. Accounting is automatically created from transactional information, so running your business creates operational and accounting data with one simple effort.

LOVIS EOS is fast to implement and easy to use. At go-live there is practically no disruption, which accounts for 50% to 300% increase in real implementation costs according to Third Stage Consulting. You will eliminate the effort and time spent on month and annual closing procedures. Your team will focus on strengthening and growing your business. Your organisation will operate online and on realtime, generating reliable and timely information, as well as Financial Statements every morning.

DynaQube allows end-users to create and run standard and custom queries, reports and analytics whenever they need them. If you ask politely, your personalised LOVIS Assistant will tell you how your organisation is performing right now, leaving your competitors speechless.

LOVIS EOS works with your team simplifying your operational and business processes, improving productivity, profitability and wellbeing.

Share with us a need your current enterprise software cannot satisfy and in two weeks we will show you how LOVIS EOS solves it. Our clients, like AB InBev and SENASICA, confirm it.

Please visit lovis.com, where you will find more detailed information about LOVIS EOS, Enterprise Software Created for Humans.

Products and services

EOS, ERP, Digital, Universal, Cloud, Online, Realtime, Agile, Software, Enterprise

LOVIS case studies

EOS, the alternative to ERP and requisite for Enterprise 4.0

Enterprise Operating System (EOS) is considered the alternative to ERP and a pre-requisite for Enterprise 4.0 based on cyber physical systems and IoT.