Lemon Advisors UK Ltd.
Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House

Lemon Advisors UK Ltd.

UK registered company – number 08043244

Registered office address:

Sinckot House, 211 Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2TP

Lemon Advisors UK Ltd.

Company description

Furthermore, Lemon Advisors offers its proprietary audit services, titled Lemon “Content & IP Audit” (CIPA), which was launched in 2012 and as a part of our Go-To-Market strategy we approach the large media/content companies through our established partner network. Over the years, we have built up an ecosystem of a partner network that comprises of large technology and audit companies.

These partners see a lot of value in Lemon CIPA. It helps them to increase their share of wallet in their media/content accounts by positioning Lemon CIPA since the audit service plays a lead role as a business transformation tool for the content companies.

Lemon owns the Intellectual Property on this service and this service today is regarded as the first of its kind.

As of Feb 2018, Lemon Advisors UK, the UK arm of the group has been recognised by the Department of International Trade (DIT) of the UK Government, as "an unique disruptive technology of exceptional global potential, being led by a professional management team".