Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
11-50 employees
Core industry
Clothing, footwear and fashion, Retail and luxury


UK registered company – number 06662405

Registered office address:

8 Nuffield Industrial Park, Ledgers Close, Oxford, OX4 4JS


Company description

Over 30% of all of our revenue is generated from overseas B2B sales. We have stockists in 32 countries, including, but not limited to:
- Across Europe
- North America: USA, Canada
- Asia: South Korea, China and Japan
- Australasia: Australia and New Zealand
We are seeking premium retailers to carry our quality, branded products throughout the world. Our brand is trademarked in most countries worldwide, including, but not limited to, Europe, China, Japan, Switzerland, and the USA.
Outstanding trade multiples for stockists and we give full support to our retailers - point of sale, imagery etc., and can transact in any of USD/ EUR/ GBP.

Products and services

luxury, retail, leather goods, polo equipment, sports equipment, consumer goods, leather goods brand, luxury consumer brand, luxury retail brand