Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
11-50 employees
Core industry
Creative and media


UK registered company – number 06590057

Registered office address:

The Print House, 18 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL


Company description

Nordicity is a leading international consulting firm. We specialise in policy, strategy, and economic analysis across the media, creative, and ICT sectors.

We have offices in London, UK and Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa, Canada, and a network of associates around the globe.

Nordicity has over three decades of experience in the research and analysis of the creative industries. We help industry and government make informed decisions. We provide economic and financial analysis, impact and evaluation, strategy and policy development.

We specialise in the arts, cultural, creative and media sectors, including TV, film, digital media, music and games.

Recent clients include:
- British Film Institute (BFI)
- Greater London Authority and Mayor of London
- Arts Council England (ACE)
- British Council
- Creative Scotland
- Government of Canada
- Motion Picture Association America (MPA)
- Scottish Government
- Screen Yorkshire
- UK Theatre and Society for London Theatre (SOLT)
- Film Distributors’ Association (FDA)
- Welsh Government

Products and services

Advisors in strategy, policy, economics and evaluation