Text Wizard Copywriting
Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Creative and media

Text Wizard Copywriting

UK registered company – number 05399393

Registered office address:

The Oval, 57 New Walk, Leicester, LE1 7EA

Text Wizard Copywriting

Company description

You can't avoid English. Roughly 1.5 billion people speak it – that's one person out of every five on the planet. If one language is going to get your products or services noticed on a global scale, it's English.

And if there's one team to write it for you, it's us.

We've been writing simple, global English for clients in the UK and across the world for almost two decades. We keep the language simple and persuasive. By cutting out the unfamiliar phrases and the cultural references that customers don't understand, we help you reach more audiences, sell more goods, and spread your message across more borders.

This is English that connects you to your customers. It's easy, powerful, and understandable – the language of global sales.

To find out more, email chas[at]textwizard.com
or call +44 (0)117 204 7334

Products and services

copywriting, copywriter, scriptwriting, scriptwriter, sales, marketing, advertising, web, content, copy

Text Wizard Copywriting case studies

Web pages for Danish seeds-and-science company, DLF

DLF is the world's biggest supplier of grass seed. Since its main website, dlf.com, has a global reach, the entire site is in English. We wrote most of those pages.

Search-optimised pages for Elbow Beach Cycles in Bermuda

Website copy plus wording for rental deals and terms and conditions for Elbow Beach Cycles.

Words for marketing materials for Swedish company, Bong

Bong is a Swedish manufacturer and supplier of envelopes and packaging materials. For more than ten years we wrote marketing and corporate copy for the company, and for its packaging brand, ProPac.