Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Agriculture, horticulture and fisheries


UK registered company – number 05214315

Registered office address:



Company description

Prorustica has an unparalleled understanding of the agriculture sector across Africa and has an 18 year proven track-record in gathering tailored insights and providing bespoke analysis and investment advice to support the success of agricultural initiatives in the Continent.

Prorustica works at the interface between public and private institutions providing strategic guidance to the development of joint business and social development initiatives. The company helps clients identify opportunities and analyzing competitive commodity value chain partnerships, focusing on a unique but tested method of value chain analysis and financial assessment. This is used as a tool for effective collaboration and coordination of public and private resources. This also helps planners to understand the financial position of value chain partners in order to develop sustainable and implementable programs.

While we conduct open source research to commence all assignments and to develop a base-level appreciation for information that exists in the public domain, our primary method of research and analysis is to conduct ground-level, in-person inquiries through our extensive networks in country. We have a long-standing track record of conducting inquiries with a wide range of sources spanning government, civil society, private sector, and academia. We have built this network through over nearly two decades of conducting research and analysis work on the continent, and we have long-standing relationships and a high level of trust with these individuals, who are central to all our work.

We work closely with our analysts to guide the types of sources that they consult, the questions that they ask, and in reporting and interpreting their findings, in order that we are able to translate them into robust investment analysis and due diligence, as well as recommendations for our clients.

Products and services

Agriculture, agribusiness, investment, finance, advisory services, project management, public private partnerships, rural development, smallholders, farming


Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe