HUSTON & Co Tax Consultants & Accountants

Mali one of the North African countries that British people work in.

Tax refund while working abroad for a UK employer

This client in the defence/aerospace industry preferred to lose the tax each month then get a tax refund at the end of the year if he met the non-residency tests. Including staying under 91 days in the UK.
These he met and so the whole period from Feb 2016 to past 5 April 2017 was deemed non-resident.
Thus we obtained for the client a tax refund of £11,000 in 2016/17 tax. All he paid that year. Also a small partial refund of £1,000 for 2015/16.
From contacting the firm first, to having the tax lodged to his bank account by HMRC, the whole process took under 3 weeks. (3 to 8 weeks is typical for new cases.)

Being a bespoke tax consultancy both directors are former Tax Inspectors and use this knowledge to help client get the best from the tax system.
Since 2003 we have specialised in UK workers going abroad with work and having UK days under 90 per year. Check out Adrian Huston on LinkedIn.

Aerospace and defence industry engineers, operators and pilots from the UK work all over Africa and the Middle East.

Company details

16 March 2007