A new day of gameplay, where your store manager provides your latest tips and help

Kraft Employee Gamification

Based on the merchandiser manual we created a supermarket store for each merchandiser to run. A supermarket manager was on hand to provide tips and advice throughout the game. This was gamification for employees.
The merchandiser’s objective was to make as much profit as possible throughout the game. To do this they had a variety of options that they could tweak and manipulate as well as some unexpected obstacles and bonuses.
All players were put on a leader board complete with sales graphs and profit margins while Kraft had detailed access to the backend administration from where they could see the choices that merchandisers made and were able to tailor further training based on their decisions.
Results - The game achieved all the business objectives, invigorating merchandisers, educating and inspiring while translating into real world profits and a good ROI for the marketing team.

Leaderboards and scoring give you progress throughout the game

Company details

24 May 2001
Food and drink
It's not just about 'gamifying', it about driving revenue, saving costs, efficiency and motivating people through data.