HUSTON & Co Tax Consultants & Accountants

Adrian Huston & Felicity Huston. Former Tax Inspectors.

British people working full-time abroad - pay no UK tax!

Both directors of Huston & Co are former HMRC Tax Inspectors. Adrian Huston has specialised in tax for UK people working abroad since 2003.
Clients often come to us as they embark on a long-term assignment abroad. Some hear of us after they have worked abroad for some time.
The largest tax refund we have obtained so far for an overseas worker was £50,000.
The client in this case study prefers to claim his tax back on an annual basis, for which we charge an annual fee.
Other clients are happy for their employer to be told to stop deducting tax. Often these clients pay us a one-off fee and won't need us again.
We can also assist with NI and work abroad.
Call +44 28 9080 6080. Email IRAQ 'AT SIGN' huston DOT co DOT uk

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16 March 2007