The International Trade Consultancy

The International Trade Consultancy Founder at a workshop supporting Composites UK members with exporting

Proving UK origin to save export customers import duty

Alpha-Cure is a specialist manufacturer of ultraviolet (UV) curing and metal halide lamps that are individually handmade and developed using the most advanced components and leading cutting-edge manufacturing processes. They have a complex supply chain and also export to many markets around the world so keeping track of origin is extremely important for them and their customers. To simplify the situation for them, Alpha-Cure engaged The International Trade Consultancy to check the rules of origin for their products under the terms of the trade agreements in place between the UK and their export markets. The International Trade Consultancy therefore spent a day at Alpha-Cure’s factory to gather all the data required to provide comprehensive origin reports for each product and export market.

Company details

Electronics and IT hardware
Thank you so much for your meticulous work establishing the origin of our products! It’s a huge relief to be able to assure our customers that our lamps are of UK origin and that they can pay lower rates of import duty as a result.
Berenika Bond Commercial Director Alpha-Purify