
The NHS has a plan to get to Net Zero by 2023 which requires changing how it procures and delivers goods and services

Strategic Planning to Support NHS Sustainability

To support uptake of its offerings by the NHS, CSH needed to understand the extent of the market opportunity and how to address it.

We worked with the team to obtain insights from stakeholders about the product-market fit of CSH’s programmes and the factors influencing their uptake. To obtain the information, we undertook interviews with people representing a variety of organisations including the NHS, the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change, the Academy of Primary Care, and a company specialising in decarbonisation in healthcare.

The interviews were supplemented with desk research into the sustainable healthcare landscape. The output was a report describing the research findings and setting out recommendations for CSH. The intention was to support CSH in increasing the uptake of its programmes and embedding sustainable ways of thinking within the NHS.

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Healthcare and medical
“It was really helpful working with Nexcea on understanding the market for some of our services. Not only was the report helpful to steer our approach but we were so involved in the process that our team learned some of the skills needed and we’ve been able to repeat the exercise under our own steam since. We certainly would recommend.”
Hazel Walsh Clinical Transformation Programme Manager The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare