
Sub-epidermal moisture scanner

Improved Equity of Care in Pressure Injury Management

The project involved a quality improvement study, which aimed to assess the use of the company’s sub-epidermal moisture assessment technology to prevent pressure injuries across diverse skin tones.

Our approach involved support in several areas:

Data interpretation and analysis, leading to accurate and meaningful results that documented the efficacy of the new technology.
Manuscript development, ensuring the paper met the rigorous standards required for publication while adhering to the Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE) 2.0 guidelines.
Journal submission, involving facilitating the submission process to the journal chosen by the authors and managing the submission and rebuttal process, to enhance the likelihood of acceptance and publication.

The publication demonstrates the effectiveness of Bruin Biometrics’ Provizio SEM Scanner in preventing pressure injuries across different skin tones.

Company details

Healthcare and medical