The Zeus Stop-Snore device

Zeus Stop-Snore

Developed with leading sleep experts at Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Zeus is a compact, unobtrusive device that attaches under the chin using disposable adhesive stimulation pads. It administers mild electrical pulses that contract the throat muscles responsible for keeping airways open, without disturbing the user's sleep, offering a non-invasive and reusable solution to chronic snoring. The device has undergone successful clinical trials, and has been evaluated by sleep awareness charity Hope2Sleep.
Nearly 90% of individuals who share a bed with a snorer suffer from sleep deprivation, leading to daytime dysfunction and other health issues. Snoring has also been linked to an increased risk of heart attack by 34% and stroke by 67%.
Since its successful launch in April 2021, Zeus has garnered positive reviews from medical professionals, including ENT Consultant Surgeon Mr. Vik Veer, and received a very favourable review in the Daily Mail.

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Healthcare and medical