Clever Accountants for business

Corporate finance services to a Finnish Private Equity house

Barnes Roffe was appointed by a Finnish Private Equity firm to assist them with the acquisition of a tech business in the UK. Barnes Roffe carried out the financial and tax due diligence on the target company and presented a comprehensive due diligence report to the client with clear recommendations on our findings. Other services provided to the client were:

- Review and negotiation of Heads of Terms
- Review of the Sale and Purchase agreement and providing our comments thereon
- Liaising with lawyers and other advisers

Overseas expansion often present challenges such as fiscal, cultural and regulatory difficulties for businesses without specialist local knowledge. At Barnes Roffe, our skilled workforce and our affiliation to the IPG Global Alliance ensures that our international clients can tap into our global pool of talent.

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Software and computer services
The way they interact and engage with you is outstanding, they are always available, easy to get hold of and there when you need them. Malcolm, Datek Solutions Limited Large enough to give all the services of the ‘big four’, but small enough to give that special customer service. Gary, A1 Pharmaceuticals Limited
Malcolm, Datek Solutions Limited Gary, A1 Pharmaceuticals Limited