Herd Agency Limited

Liquid Vault website collection page

Shopify eCommerce sales soar for Liquid Vault

Our aim was to help Liquid Vault offer a better customer journey through a new website design with a custom Shopify theme design and site build and target alcohol drinkers nationwide to bring them the ultimate drinks discovery.

Key Objectives:

Design and build a custom Shopify website and theme
Increase business through the website
Increase number of customers on email database
Build and grow brand and raise awareness online

The initial proposition of the brand was to feature “build a box” functionality, that would enable users to create a pick ‘n’ mix style bundle of alcoholic beverages and mixers. Although a Shopify app was utilised for the main functionality, the app had to be completely customised to seamlessly integrate within the website and the brand.

Attractive & relevant search ad campaigns were created by performing keyword research to ensure that there was volume around brand and non-brand terms.

The results speak for themselves!


Liquid Vault website Homepage image

Liquid Vault beer selection image

Company details

Food and drink
After coming to us wanting to reach a new audience through B2C we have designed and built a a new bespoke Shopify website for Liquid Vault, and used the Paid Search channel to drive, relevant traffic to the site with outstanding results.
Rebecca Ives Paid Search Manager Herd