Smart seafastening structures to fit two vessels

WTG Seafastening – Norther / Aberdeen Bay

TWD assisted both Boskalis and Van Oord in installing the same wind turbine generators (WTGs) on different farms: Aberdeen Bay, Norther, Deutsche Bucht, and Borselle 3 & 4. Boskalis used Wind Orca while Van Oord used their jack-up vessel Aeolus. To reduce the fabrication time and the costs of installation, TWD made the first concept and took up the challenge of designing seafastening that would fit both vessels.

As the grillages would be mobilized repeatedly, we were determined to create smart and easy connections to the deck. We also designed the nacelle grillages and the cantilevered blade support structure.

Our experience and knowledge in seafastening led our teams to come up with smart designs for the same product that met the requirements of two different vessels perfectly.

Project highlights:
-Same designs used for two different installations
-Reduced fabrication time and installation costs


Company details

Renewable energy