E-Business strategy e-learning screenshot

E-Learning Platform - Digital Business & Marketing Skill

High-quality interactive audio video e-learning with downloadable e-books on our platform.

COB Certified E-Business Leader & Manager
COB Certified E-Commerce Leader & Manager
COB Certified Marketing Leader
COB Certified Digital Marketing Manager
COB Certified Content Strategist
COB Certified Marketing Executive
COB Certified Web Writer
COB Certified Category Manager
COB Certified Web Merchandiser

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Education and training
"The COB Certified E-Commerce Manager program delivers a full overview of all aspects that must be considered for e-commerce. It is based on case studies, web demos and workbooks to get the fundamentals. ", Charly Lupart, then End User Industry Marketing Director, Schneider Electric "I would recommend the course for someone who is looking for a complete high-level view of E-Commerce, the course content is extensive so it will equip you well for the future, whether it be your own business or in your workplace..." Chris Chapman - then Online Commercial Performance Manager, Hutchison 3G - "Overall I found the COB Certified E-Commerce Manager Program to be very useful to me and the two other members of my team who attended with me..." Jacqueline Harper - then Director Online at Three (Hutchison 3G) It refreshed my memory on risk management, legal aspects of ecommerce and also key site design and ergonomy how to.", - Christophe Ferrasse, Global E-Business Leader, Mars Management to Leader Multiple Large Global Corporations