Design concept for new public realm alongside London City Airport

London City Airport - Public Realm Design

The project encompassed designing more than 1km of dockside land adjacent to the King George V Dock in East London, providing a number of ancillary spaces to support the operation of the airport, and incorporated a new hotel, car parking, management buildings, car hire facilities, taxi parking facilities, an energy centre & the UK’s first Digital Control Tower.

Our brief was to develop layouts which would successfully incorporate all of the required facilities while also maintaining a high quality pedestrian route along the dock edge, and preserving as many of the heritage features from the old docks as possible. Our proposals looked to incorporate blue-green infrastructure where possible, mindful of the complex requirements of both the airport and dock management authority in terms of minimising the risk of bird strike for aircraft, and preventing pollution of the dock water. The design welcomed the local community & incorporated a new entrance to the King George V DLR Station.


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