
Separation, Recovery & Recycling of Solid Material Containing Precious Metals

Separation, Recovery & Recycling of Precious Metals

The project was based at a materials technology and recycling facility in Belgium. The facility had two very large storage/settlement ponds in which they receive process, surface and wash water from the entire premises.

The project involved undertaking the safe and efficient removal of sediment from the ponds followed by separation, recovery and recycling of solid material containing precious metal.

Separo turned waste into a resource. The site ponds were emptied, cleaned and returned to full operational capacity. Sludge and sediment was processed and valuable precious metals were recovered, recycled and returned to the client for use as a raw material.

An estimated 15,000m3 of waste material was processed by Separo without a single health, safety or environmental incident. 6,580 tonnes of dry solids containing valuable precious metals were returned to the client as a resource.

Company details

24 April 2007
Metallurgical process plant