KINATA LTD Kinesis x Wandsworth

Kinesis & The NHS

Kinesis has been extremely successful in the South of England, working with 7 clinical commissioning groups, 10 secondary care providers and over 240 GP Practices. Kinesis currently has over 1200 clinical users, including consultants, GPs, nurses, mental health services and community health care workers. To date, we have helped our GPs to treat over 35,000 patients in a local setting, away from secondary care. We have helped our clients to save over £5million on unnecessary first outpatient appointment. 67% of all Advice & Guidance conversations result in a saved outpatient appointment.

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Healthcare and medical
I’m an enormous fan of kinesis and have found it one of the best primary/ secondary care communication systems around. I only wish it was more widely used. For my speciality (Dermatology) the ability to add quality photographs has been invaluable and has headed off several unnecessary referrals to secondary care. It’s also allowed me to get treatment started before referral and request investigations prior to referral. I love the fact that you’re allowed to have a back and forth conversation with the referring GP, not a one-off piece of advice, and get further information and updates when appropriate. Lastly, it’s allowed me to prioritise patients who need to be seen sooner and utilise our acute on-call dermatology service to get patients seen and treated faster when needed. I shouldn’t forget to mention that it’s allowed me to get to know the local GPs, which is lovely.
Consultant Dermatologist Chelsea & Westminster Hospital