Tier 1 entrepreneur visa granted

Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa granted

We were instructed to represent a client in her application for Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa and Tier 1 Entrepreneur dependants’ visa for her husband and children. The client had the necessary funds and met formal requirements for this category. Her concern was the genuine entrepreneur test, as she had never previously ran a business of her own and had not had a formal education in business management. She wanted to give it a try but was conscious that Home Office may not take her seriously. Our role as representatives included full support with the project in question. We discussed in every detail the needs of the business, its position in the market, its projected cash flow, prospective clients, job creation strategy and profitability. When interviewed, our client was ready to answer any question put to her and her business plan was immediately approved. We are delighted that she and her family have relocated to the UK, the business has taken off and has created the first full time job.


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