SAUDIA's new site was fully accessible, responsive and effective.

Award winning UX for a major global airline

We made Saudi Arabian Airlines a digital brand, starting from the ground up. They needed everything from digital application guidelines, right through to a new website, booking engine, ancillary products and loyalty scheme portal.

We delivered all that, and much more despite US DOT accessibility regulations coming in midway through the project, Amadeus switching tech platforms, and the fluctuation and instability of the Saudi economy determining an ever-changing budget and scope.

Through our work, SAUDIA went from a 3* to 4* rating on Skytrax, won Most Improved Airline of the year (World Airline Awards) and increased revenue by 11% per head.

A lot of SAUDIA's traffic was mobile, so our approach always kept mobile in mind.

We worked alongside Amadeus to deliver the booking engine using an Angular, component-based approach.

Company details

Proctor + Stevenson demonstrated the know-how and high level of agility needed to meet the customer demands. Their close collaboration helped us deliver the best digital user experience across the region.
El Mostafa El Khalifa Head of Digital, Loyalty and Customer Experience Amadeus