MBE Consulting

Business and culture change

Changing The Way You Do Business…and The Cultural Challenge

Problem Statement - The specific remit for this Lloyds market broker was the communication, training and Change Management delivery to 400 members of staff.
MBE Approach - Once the DMS had been tailored to deliver the operational needs of the various departments, it now needed to be tested and rolled out to the business.
A program of workshops designed to give an initial high level introduction to the system and its capabilities
Development and delivery of an on-going support and mentoring network throughout the business.
Results and Benefits
Significant savings in storage costs.
Enabled documents to be easily and quickly located and accessed.
Improved document security and disaster recovery plans.
Companywide buy-in and support of the change. This has provided an excellent platform for future change initiatives.
Developed a streamlined training program


Company details

02 July 2008
Financial and professional services
A change management program embraces the culture of a business and works closely with all stakeholders to ensure that any change meets business needs and benefits are maximised…
Vibeke Fennell Director of Operational Excellence MBE