A German flag flying in the wind

Queries arising on transactions to and from the UK

We are also in contact with other group companies worldwide in respect of queries arising on transactions to and from the UK.

A number of years ago there was a major tax enquiry launched by HMRC concerning one of the client’s customers in Germany arising out of which we assisted the client in dealing with the VAT enquiry in the UK. It should be stressed that it was the client’s customer that was being investigated but our ability to deal with all UK aspects meant that the client did not have to directly bring over personnel to the UK to handle this matter which was extremely time consuming and involved dealing with senior HMRC Inspectors.

We meet senior personnel from the US Holding Company a number of times during the course of each year and regularly hold telephone conference calls with them as a means of regular updates.

The importance of providing a “one-stop shop” for all the services required by our client should not be underestimated.

Company details

26 April 2012
Business and consumer services