SWIFTERM AI Hyper-personalisation Software

Guerlian, Louis Vuitton

Luxury marketing – getting it right

In 2018 the luxury market was assessed at €920 billion, of which €590 billion included experiential luxury – dining, travel, F&B, design furniture, cars, boats and smartphones and tablets, and €330 billion was in personal luxury goods. A significant increase is foreseen, as overall luxury is said to rise up to €1.3 trillion by 2025.

Nowadays Millennials account for 32% of total luxury spending; however, in the next 5 years, they are expected to represent 50% of the total market.
Generation Z, on the other hand, accounts for only 4% of sales, but the figures are ascending. They should not be underestimated though, as their patterns and interests in technology are influencing those around them and are contributing to the development of a new landscape for the luxury industry.

The luxury market is crying for new methodology and tools


Company details

08 August 2014
Retail and luxury
We have been reviewing and running trials with Swift ERM for our customers and are very impressed with the results it achieves from the get-go. We are seeing 10% revenue increases, fully automated. SWIFT is a relatively young player on the market but I believe they have something highly innovative here, triggering the right impulse purchases from customers by predicting their needs based on their past buying and browsing habits. Together with their rock-solid results or no-payment - policy, it's a no-brainer. There isn't a product out there at this moment in time that I could more highly recommend for any e-commerce business.
Roy Van Eijsselsteijn CEO Interactivated