The iD Intelligent stepper motor driver developed by Zikodrive Motor Controllers for Boxer Pumps

Custom stepper motor controller for case peristaltic pump

Our customer required an intelligent motor controller which could operate a peristaltic pump. Many standard drivers can be set up to operate at set speeds but allowing in depth calibration of the pump is impossible. Our driver solved this problem using on board intelligence to enable the user to automatically calibrate the system by running the pump for a fixed time, inputting the amount that had been dosed and then the controller would remember this amount and automatically calibrate. This system delivered much more accurate dosing in a package that was much easier to use.

By combining these advanced calibration and user interface features with all of the features normally available on a similar pump we helped our customer deliver a class leading product at a highly competitive price.


Company details

12 November 2012
Mechanical electrical and process engineering
"An intelligent motor controller that delivers exceptional performance and user experience in a compact and affordable package"