Bio sciences Discovery Building, Nottingham for BioCity

Bio sciences sector design

CPMG has extensive experience in the design and delivery of complex laboratory and research buildings for university and pharmaceutical sector clients.


Company details

28 July 1982
Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals
"During an extremely complex process involving stakeholders who were sometimes pulling in different directions they were able to deliver a first class building which met the needs of all parties, combining the functional requirements of laboratory space with an innovative and flexible design. The countless design iterations and changes in direction were all met with equanimity and were dealt with quickly, efficiently and appropriately. They gave us choices, routinely offering more than one solution to any given request, and where applicable provided narrative highlighting the relative merits of each design. We also found CPMG to be great communicators, never reluctant to seek clarification or further information to ensure they fully understood what was required, great credit for that must go to CPMG.”
Jonathan Williams Chief Operating Officer Sygnature (tenant)