The OKO Mining Xtra Heavy Duty product being installed: it transforms tyre life on mining and construction sites.

Mining vehicle tyres last longer with OKO

Norilsk Nickel were looking for a tyre sealant that would stop punctures, make tyres last longer by slowing down the loss of air through the tread, and cool them down due to the liquid inside the tyre. It had to work in some of the worst conditions in Earth. The company tested OKO in its mining vehicles, with no interference or involvement from OKO or its distributor, and it passed every test. Norilsk then wrote a document authorising the use of OKO in any of the Group's vehicle tyres.
Based upon independent testing, users can expect 20% average tyre life extension from using OKO tyre sealant liquid, even if it does not have to seal any punctures - which it will do in the tread area. Thus the payback from tyre costs and the loss of downtime from stoppages is termendous.


If you have this much invested in tyres, you need OKO to keep your costs under control and keep your fleet in use.

Company details

08 April 2011
"During the operation of the trucks (autumn, winter 2014 – spring 2015) using the sealant manufactured by OKO, we note the following points: - maintaining of exploitation qualities of the vehicle tyres at low temperatures (-52C) in Norilsk. There has been no misbalance; - ability to continue the travel on the line with no punctures and with no use of tractors for towage to the garage; - ability to use the sealant as a repair solution when repairing tyres."
G.G. Gusev Head Engineer Norilsk Nickel