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Helping a US/Dutch mRNA biotech pioneer to land successfully

Dutch / USA biotechnology mRNA research, development and clinical testing company expands to the UK

A NASDAQ-listed Netherlands and USA based mRNA biotechnology and pharmaceutical company wanted to establish a research and development presence in the UK. It also wished to partner with two of the UK’s leading NHS bodies. It also wanted support to risk assess and manage its new UK supply chain, review GDPR compliance and seek UK regulatory support services. PrivacySolved updated the company’s data governance policies and procedures. We reviewed the complex R&D agreements and data transfers agreements with the NHS. We offered a UK GDPR compliance package of data protection notice updates, UK Record of Processing Activities (ROPA), DPIA audits and reviews of the USA, Netherlands, and UK international data transfers. We also offered a continuous UK regulatory representative service for two years. The PrivacySolved Insights Team provided the client with Risks and Compliance Reports setting out the client’s current position, risk profile, UK parliamentary developments and UK policy changes.

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02 January 2013


Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals