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A Case Study By Let's Do Business (South East) Group Limited

Kurt J Lesker LOCATE East Sussex assisted Kurt J Lesker, an American company who were looking to expand their European reach, in finding suitable premises in Hastings, East Sussex. As a global leader in the design and manufacturing of vacuum technology solutions for research and production applications, finding the right location was paramount that had access to a skilled workforce, had potential for further expansion as the operations grew, and had a supportive environment for both the relocation and future growth plans. We worked with both the UK and USA team to do introductions to local property agents and owners, and the local Borough Council to facilitate finding the correct property. Our initial engagement and search was successful in finding the new HQ at Churchfields Industrial Estate, and the additional 2 further sites as the company headcount has grown from 35 initially to currently 110, with planned requirement to increase to 140 within 12 months. Kurt J Lesker has become a

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28 October 2010
