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A Case Study By Newfound Global Limited

When First AML wanted to expand into the UK, they engaged Newfound Global to validate the opportunity and evaluate product-market fit. Through thorough research and analysis, we provided reports confirming a favourable regulatory and competitive environment for First AML’s solutions. This built confidence for the First AML Exec. team and investors. We then sought to deeply understand First AML’s target B2B customers. Our team primary research of qualified firms to uncover exactly what UK buyers wanted from First AML’s offerings. These customer insights were synthesized into an actionable market analysis report. Equipped with tangible insights from Newfound, First AML refined its UK strategy and offering. Within 3 months of entering the UK backed by our research, First AML had built a team of 18 in-country. In summary, Newfound provided the upfront validation and product-market fit assessment to derisk First AML’s UK move and set them up for rapid growth. Our diligent market research g

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20 April 2015
