This section isCase study

A Case Study By Blick Rothenberg Limited

Goal: Kargo has offices around the US and wanted to expand to the UK with people on the ground to take its rapid US growth global and sell mobile advertising solutions directly to UK and European clients. How we engaged with the business: Blick Rothenberg advised on Kargo’s international structure, IP location and UK trading model. We also advised on transfer pricing, Patent Box, payroll and VAT registrations. On an on-going basis we provide management accounting support, payroll and VAT compliance, and year-end audit and corporate tax compliance services. Blick Rothenberg regularly meets with Kargo in the US to keep abreast of developments within the business and advise on tax and accounting matters as they arise, such as planning for new territories and further global expansion. The outcome: Blick Rothenberg helped Kargo to implement a trading model and structure that works commercially, as well as from an international tax perspective. This enabled management to focus on further dev

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17 June 2016
