This section isCase study

A Case Study By Abeceder Limited

We assisted a Canadian company who wanted to expand into the UK to assess the timing of their entry, the investment required, their set-up location, and their staffing needs. This involved assessing their existing Canadian business to identify how they might have to adapt their head office operations to support an expansion into the UK. We assessed their operating model and policies and procedures. We then highlighted how these conflicted with UK legislation and cultural norms. Using our knowledge of both Canadian and UK employment law and practice we proposed compromise solutions that would eliminate the conflicts in how the two businesses would operate. We helped them to identify the investment that would be required to establish a business in the UK. This included the costs of relocating a senior manager and hiring and training a UK workforce. We also helped them to identify the support they might be able to gain from UK Government grants. Given the onset of the COVID lockdown, the

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19 August 2003
