Device Access UK Ltd

Contact company

Business details


Business type

UK business registered in Companies House

Number of employees

1-10 employees

Core industry

Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals

Device Access UK Ltd

UK registered company - number 07257316

Registered office address:

University Of Southampton Science Park Enterprise Road, Chilworth, Southampton, SO16 7NS

Company description

Are you a Medical Device company considering market entry into the UK's Healthcare system the National Health Service or NHS?

Device Access UK are here to help you get your technology to patients faster. Our services include gaining market access, help you develop clinical evidence to support your claims of benefit to the NHS, help provide pricing strategy through advanced health economic modelling. Our services help you improve negotiations with key NHS stakeholders for reimbursement. We do this with the assistance of our established stakeholder contacts within the NHS & NICE and NHS England.

Since 2010, we have supported hundreds of companies into the NHS and over 50 have been supported successfully through the UK Health Technology Assessment body, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence - NICE leading to faster adoption across the entire NHS.

Device Access has held a licence since 2014 with NHS Digital for access the over 1.3 Bn NHS England Hospital electronic health records to help you understand current treatment pathways and outcomes, which in turn helps identify where your technology can solve a problem and improve outcomes for patients.

With over 34 years of experience of taking innovative MedTech technologies into the NHS from Endovascular devices and grafts, gastric bands, robotic surgery to endo laparoscopic and various implantable devices, we have decades of device experience. We work exclusively in MedTech, Diagnostics, and digital technologies and not pharmaceuticals.
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Products and services

MedTech Market Access, Diagnostic Market Access, Digital Medical Devices, AI, NHS Reimbursement, NICE Approval, Health Economics, Clinical Research, Clinical Evidence Development

Business support
Planning consultants


Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, Healthcare and medical, Life sciences
North East, North West, Northern Ireland, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West, Scotland, Wales

Device Access UK Ltd case studies