The Niblett Whellams Partnership Limited

Contact company

Business details


Business type

UK business registered in Companies House

Core industry

Creative and media

The Niblett Whellams Partnership Limited

UK registered company - number 05404307

Registered office address:

The Studio, 15 Ailesbury Way Burbage, Marlborough, SN8 3TD

Company description

The Niblett Whellams Partnership Ltd has been working with market-leading brands in various professional sectors for many years.

The company has a reputation for helping clients increase sales, grow market share and strengthen company value. The team has a particular aptitude for translating complex technical, scientific or commercial information into persuasive messages.

The company’s comprehensive service covers everything from preliminary research and strategy formulation to appraisal of the results. We assist with campaign planning, media and channel management and programme execution, to maximise impact and ensure delivery on time and on budget.

With bespoke campaigns tailored to clients’ needs, we take the hassle out of managing public relations and marketing communications.

Products and services

Advertising, Branding, Marketing


Advanced manufacturing, Communications, Construction, Creative and media, Education and training, Healthcare and medical, Mechanical electrical and process engineering, Oil and gas, Power, Renewable energy, Water
London, North West, North East, South West, South East
Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan