This section isCase study
Unpicking Police Interview & Interrogation Recordings

Justice for Change
For attorneys working on a pro-bono basis to help the wrongfully convicted, having to dip in and out of recordings as they revert from their billable caseload and then back again can be challenging.
A navigable executive summary of interesting things said, provided as a sidebar in the review player, helps to mitigate, enabling an overall sense of the interaction to be quickly obtained and retained for a given pro-bono reviewer.
Interrogation recordings can present a particular challenge, due to the repetitive yet non-identical nature of questioning both within and across recordings for a detainee, some two or three hours at a time.
The executive summary provided by the automatically generated Intelligent Voice tags enables repetitive topics to be rapidly identified and sequentially reviewed.
The Intelligent Voice tags can also surface potential blind spots and unknown unknowns not mentioned in a case summary or report.
Company details
28 February 1989
Legal services