This section isCase study
Prioritisation of Interventions for the MTWM in Barbados
The Government of Barbados recognised the need to rationalise and upgrade its operations in the field of Road Maintenance. The organisation responsible for road maintenance in Barbados is the Ministry of Transport Works and Maintenance (MTWM). This Ministry deals with transport infrastructure (roads) transport services (PSVs and Buses) and Government Buildings. With the assistance of the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) the government commissioned a study to determine the best and most efficient interventions to build the capacity of this institution with the aim of increased output and better efficiency. This is the study entitled “Prioritisation of Interventions for MTWM”.
The objective of this consultancy was to provide a detailed prioritised action plan, based on an institutional diagnostic for the Ministry of Transport and Works in order to strengthen sector governance through capacity building in key areas to improve.